All the sheep have now left the Common. Cattle still on in their fenceless paddocks. Details of where can be found here Read More cattle, car parking, quarry car park, recreation, sheep, useful info for visitingMichael BatesOctober 25, 2023sheep, visiting, livestock, belted galloways, car park, car parking, cattle Comment
Quarry car park closing at 5pm from Sunday 29th October car parking, quarry car park, recreation, useful info for visiting, winterMichael BatesOctober 21, 2023car park, cattle, car parking, quarry car park, visiting, winter, parkingComment
Quarry car park closing at 6pm from Sunday 1st October car parking, quarry car park, recreation, useful info for visitingMichael BatesSeptember 30, 2023parking, car park, car parking, quarry car park